Europe Day 2024 - Euroopa Komisjon
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Europe Day 2024

Euroopa päev (eesti keeles)

День Европы (на русском языке)

On 1 May, Estonia celebrates 20 years of membership in the European Union and NATO. Estonia became an EU Member State in 2004, following six years of accession negotiations. Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus joined the EU together with us. Joining the European Union and NATO has given us confidence that we will never be alone again. Important date at the beginning of this summer will be the 9 June European elections.

Throughout the year, we mark our journey in the European Union with a variety of projects and events because we have a lot to celebrate and to be proud of. As every year, the events culminate on Europe Day, 9 May, with festivities in Tallinn and Narva, as well as a plethora of activities in smaller cities.

Book Presentation: My Estonia, My Europe. 20 Years Later

On the special occasion of the anniversary, we will present the book My Estonia, My Europe. 20 Years Later at our seminars in Tallinn and Tartu. The book is published with the support of the European Commission Representation in Estonia and the Government Office. It looks back at Estonia’s journey within the European Union through the eyes of various people who have been involved in the journey in one way or another. The book contains interviews with various prominent persons, including Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, President Kersti Kaljulaid and entrepreneur Sten Tamkivi. The authors of the essays range from the renowned writer Tõnu Õnnepalu to Anna Milena Linder, a young student born in 2004 when Estonia was already part of the European Union.

The book will soon be available in Rahva Raamat stores.

We produced also a TV show based on the interviews, which will be broadcast on May 1 at 20:00 on the ETV channel.

Minu Eesti, minu Euroopa. 20 aastat hiljem

Orienteering Game for school classes in Tallinn and Narva

All the checkpoints of the Tallinn Game are at or near an embassy of an EU country or an Estonian state authority. Many embassies and buildings also welcome visitors inside their premises where they offer exhibitions or other interesting activities. Playing the game is an excellent opportunity to visit buildings and places that are usually not open to the public. 

The checkpoints of the Narva Game are located within a walking distance in the city centre and they are linked to the European Union.

The checkpoints may be passed in the order of choice. When a checkpoint is reached, three multiple-choice questions open on the screen and need to be answered in order to move forward. An incorrect answer will not end the game, the aim is to pass all the checkpoints and collect points. Find the rules of the game here.

The game can be played on 9 May between 9:00 and 17:00.

Start the Game in Tallinn

Tallinna mängu QR kood

Start the Game in Narva

Narva mängu QR kood

Europe Day in Tallinn

On 9 May in Tallinn, everybody is welcome to take part in an exciting orienteering game, listen to a debate on the future of Estonia and the EU, and end the day with a great concert at the Freedom Square.

Seminar My Estonia, My Europe. 20 Years Later

„Our Europe. Our NATO“ event area

The event at the Freedom Square is open to everyone. The Square is filled with exhibitions and activities by the embassies of European Union countries, organisations related to the European Union, and the authorities responsible for internal security in Estonia, such as the Police and Border Guard Board, the Rescue Agency, the Defence League and the Defence Forces. The musical atmosphere will be created by the military orchestra.

A variety of technical equipment will be on display and visitors can discover the tastes and cultures of the countries of the European Union, spend time at pavilions and stands, and listen to debates. Police dogs are present and show their skills. The Ukrainian cafeteria Slava Ukraina, whose mission is to support Ukraine and the Ukrainians, is open at the pavilion of the European Union.

Pavilion of the Centre for Human Rights

The Centre for Human Rights organises a debate “My Voice in Europe” with Estonian candidates for the European Parliament on Freedom Square at 15:15. See more information here.

Concert by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs „Our Europe. Our NATO“

Exhibitions in Tallinn

Exhibition at Tammsaare Park

From 26 April, the exhibition My Estonia, My Europe will be opened at Tammsaare Park to draw attention to the various benefits that the EU membership has brought us but that often go unnoticed in our daily lives.

Tammsaare pargi näitus 2024

Exhibition “10 reasons to vote”

The local office of the European Parliament in Estonia has organised an exhibition called “10 reasons to vote” that can be visited in the Balti Jaam Market from 9 May to 9 June. The cool characters created by the artists’ team “AW stuff” share their reasons why one should vote in the European Parliament elections in June. Why do you consider it important to vote? Send us your answer by the election day on 9 June to win European Parliament goodies.

Send your answer here

Parlamendi büroo näitus

Estonian art in European languages

The branch museums of the Estonian Art Museum that are located in the Old Town of Tallinn have put together a special programme, which introduces the Estonian cultural heritage in six different European languages.

Guided tours in English, Swedish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish and Danish will be carried out by the Art Museum’s curators from 9 May to 12 May in the Niguliste Museum and the Adamson-Eric Museum. The tours will introduce Estonian art from the Middle Ages to modern times and provide fascinating insights into Estonian cultural history. With the special programme the Art Museum of Estonia commemorates Europe Day.

Check out the program here

Estonian art in European languages


Europe Day in Narva

Narva will start celebrating Europe Day already on 8 May when the residents will be able to take part in exciting cultural events. On 9 May, everybody can participate in the Orienteering Game and the Ida-Viru Future Fair. The day closes with a magnificent concert!

Cultural events in Narva

Ida-Viru Future Fair

Concert in Narva

Europe Day in Tartu

Europe Day will be celebrated on 9 May also in Tartu where the Johan Skytte Institute Institute of Political Studies will hold a seminar looking back at the 20 years of Estonia in the EU, but discussing also the upcoming European elections and the possible enlargement of the EU.

The seminar will take place at the White Hall of the University of Tartu Museum (Lossi 25) at 13:00–17.30.

Seminar info and registration

The countdown clock has been made of recycled plastic with augmented reality markers placed around it enabling the viewers to see various projects all over Tartu that have been co-funded by the EU. The installation will draw attention to the role and activities of the EU at the local level both in Tartu and elsewhere.

The opening of the election countdown clock will be preceded by a debate on “How to support the arts sector during the green transition?” beginning at 5 PM in the Kodavere seminar room of the University of Tarty Library. The debate will be held in English.


At 19:00 – Concert “The Parable of the Poppy” at the Tubin Hall of Heino Eller Music School (Lossi 15).

Adam Strug (Poland; vocals, accordion) presents music created to Czesław Miłosz’s texts. He is accompanied by Szczepan Pospieszalski (trumpet), Tomek Stawiecki (clarinet), Hipolit Woźniak (contrabass) and Mateusz Kowalski (drums).

Adam Strug’s original compositions dedicated to the prominent author and Nobel Prize laureate Czesław Miłosz to commemorate the 20th anniversary of his death will be presented for the first time at the concert taking place within the framework of the Prima Vista Literary Festival. The duration of the concert is one hour.

The concert is organised by Adam Mickiewicz Institute. The project is supported by the Foundation of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.

Concert info

Europe Day in smaller cities


On 9 May, everyone is invited to play the Europe Day Orienteering Game. The players have to pass the various checkpoints located in different parts of the city, answering questions about the EU.


On May 10, the conference "Estonian security - 20 years with NATO" will be held in Kärdla cultural house.

From May 6 to 12, the Europe Day orientation game will be held in Kärdla

Euroopa päev Hiiumaa 2024


European-themed orienteering game in Kohtla-Järve 6-8 May

In this game, you can test your knowledge of the European Union and get to know your hometown better! There are 10 checkpoints marked on the Kohtla-Järve map, which you can pass in the order of your choice. All objects have been built or renovated with the support of the European Union.

To go to the track, you need to load the Navicup application on your smart device. A 100-euro gift card for the Pargi Keskus and souvenirs from several cooperation partners will be drawn among the winners.

An election debate with candidates for the European Parliament

On 9 May at 11:00, an election debate with candidates for the European Parliament will be held at the TalTech Virumaa College in Kohtla-Järve. The event will be webstreamed live. The focus of the debate is on the broader meaning of the security of border areas.

Euroopa päev 2024 Kohtla-Järve


Europe Day will be celebrated on 4 May at 14:00, together with the birthday of the city of Kuressaare, at a public event at the Kuressaare castle park sound chamber.

Kuressaare sünnipäev 2024


On 9 May, the twin city of Valga-Valka will host the adventurous Europe Day orienteering-game. Participants will pass checkpoints located throughout the city and answer questions about the European Union and NATO.

Valga Euroopa päev 2024


Europe Day will be celebrated at the Võru central square on 9 May at 16.00–20.00.  The event features the UMA MEKK fair, local speakers and performers (16:00–18:00) and a debate on the European elections (18:00–19:00). A concert by Daniel Levi (19:00–20:00) will end the day.

Uma Mekk laat 2024

A video lecture by the University of Tartu Youth Academy

Estonia’s voice in Europe: a video series on social media

What is Europe Day?